Catalizador: Escuela secundaria Bremerton
Grados 5 a 8
Nuestro enfoque
En las Escuelas Públicas de Catalyst prometemos a las familias que cada estudiante será conocido, amado y desafiado. Esta promesa es especialmente importante durante la escuela secundaria de los estudiantes. años en los que están creciendo y desarrollándose hacia versiones más maduras de sà mismos.
Nuestro enfoque para apoyar el crecimiento académico, social y emocional de nuestros académicos es nuestra principal prioridad y ha informado nuestro enfoque único.
El "por qué" detrás de nuestro modelo
At Catalyst Public Schools, our high school model was created to address the urgent challenges and immense potential within our community. In Kitsap County, too many young people graduate without a clear plan for their future, leaving them vulnerable to poverty and limited opportunities:
These realities demand a bold reimagining of high school education—one that prepares students not just for graduation but for thriving futures.
The world is evolving at an unprecedented pace. From technological advancements to climate change and economic shifts, today’s students must be equipped with critical thinking, adaptability, and leadership skills to navigate and shape their futures. Our model is built on this understanding and is designed with the following essential elements in mind.​​​​​​